A backlog

| June 4, 2010

The plus point of warmer weather and more active foxes: yay, foxes! The minus points of warmer weather and more active foxes: more media to sort through and catalogue. To give you an example, when I swapped out the data card from Foxcam this morning, it had 153 new items on it. Even accounting for […]

The fox takeaway

| May 24, 2010

Usually, when I’ve put down food for the foxes, things happen in the following order: The local bird life descends to grab what they can before the foxes get to it. This usually includes a couple of pigeons (after the peanuts), a magpie or two (after whatever they can get, frankly), and at least one […]

Too cute to keep up with

| May 21, 2010

Sorry things have been a little quiet this week, folks. Big work project and also the foxes have been producing too much cuteness — I can’t keep up! I’ve got videos, I’ve got photos, all coming to a post near you very soon…

The Dog and Fox

| May 19, 2010

While our cats may not be playmates with the foxes, here’s a story from the BBC about a dog and fox who have become friends.

Two late-night observations

| May 18, 2010

1) my cat can outrun a fox, just about; 2) an adult fox, hitting a locked cat-flap at full tilt, will not break that cat-flap. I would love to know what caused that altercation!

For fox sake…

| May 18, 2010

Our cubs haven’t ventured out of the garden yet, and the adult foxes have so far proved adept at negotiating the traffic (thankfully our road is fairly quiet), but the BBC reports on a village that has acquired some fox-related signage.

Strange sights

| May 11, 2010

I really hope that Foxcam has picked up the strange vision I saw about half an hour ago; a fox cub purposefully trotting back towards its den, carrying a slice of bread in its mouth. Mostly strange because the slice of bread was about the size of the cub’s head… Also, apparently slices of bread […]

Not even the foxes like the rain

| May 8, 2010

Today was a damp and unpleasant day; we didn’t see the foxes in daylight at all, they only came out after dark…

A new point of view

| May 2, 2010

I’ve moved FoxCam round a little bit, as the irises growing in the pond (the taller foliage that you may have noticed in previous videos) were starting to get in the way of seeing the foxes clearly. Instead of being attached to an upright pillar forming part of an arbour, it’s now tied to the […]

A fox’s right to privacy…

| May 2, 2010

The BBC have an article asking whether animals should have a right to privacy from being filmed. It’s a slightly interesting question, although if the animals don’t know they’re being filmed, are they actually going to care? As far as Garden Fox Watch goes, we’re not filming or photographing the foxes other than when they […]