Don’t eat my ear. I really mean it.

| May 16, 2011

Any of you who have been reading this blog for a while — or probably any time longer than a day or two — may have formed the idea that fox cubs are naturally boisterous. Well, yes. If you’re a vixen with cubs, you’ll very soon get used to being climbed on, played on, played […]

It’s Tough Being A Mum

| April 20, 2011

I think today’s gallery could be summed up as “It’s Tough Being A Mum”. You have to ride herd on your rambunctious offspring and then, THEN they demand to be fed. In public! Well, I can confirm that Fox Towers has no laws against public cub-feeding… in fact we think it’s rather cute. Videos later […]

Fox among the flowers

| April 20, 2011

I have a LOAD of new cub photos and video to put up this evening, but just as a stop-gap: this is Mrs Fox admiring the pigeons on our roof from a few days ago… Enjoy.

Welcome to 2011’s cubs

| April 19, 2011

….. aaaaand there goes my productivity for the next couple of months 😉 Click on the picture for a larger version.

Making himself at home

| February 12, 2011

Our correspondent Elizabeth Lovegrove reports from Oxford that they had an overnight visitor, the night before last. They came down in the morning and found a young fox comfortably curled up on their sofa (and their two cats having run away from it, looking decidedly underwhelmed). It backed off to hide under a table when […]

Two lonely souls…

| December 24, 2010

Picture the scene. Foxy Lady and Mr Fox are sitting at the table, eating their dinner, when Ears potters along the patio and sits down outside the patio doors, looking hopeful. (She does this quite often, and occasionally it’ll work and she’ll get some food thrown out onto the patio for her.) Our lardier cat […]

Fox in the snow, the tail end

| December 12, 2010

This is the last of the set of photos from Friday 3rd. As I originally mentioned, this started out as six hundred and twenty-three photos… trimming them down to seventy took a little while! If you are on the Fox Towers’ Christmas card list, you may consider some of these a sneak preview 😉 As […]

Fox and snow, part 2

| December 11, 2010

Here is part 2 of the set of photos of Paletail enjoying the snow on Friday 3rd. Well, in fairness he was probably enjoying the chicken rather more than the snow! The first part of the set is here. Enjoy the photos, and please do feel free to pass the link around to other people […]

The fox and the snow

| December 10, 2010

“Who lives in a garden like this?” Like most of the rest of the UK, Fox Towers’ neck of the woods has had snow — quite a bit of snow last week, actually. It seemed like a perfect opportunity to take some lovely photos of our local foxes against a nice white background, but were […]

Strange hybrids

| November 5, 2010

It’s November 5th, which this year happens to be both Guy Fawkes’ Night and also Diwali, and thus the skies over SW London/NE Surrey are full of fireworks. The foxes, somewhat to my surprise, seem unbothered by them, as is Small Cat; Lardy Cat really hates fireworks and is even now hiding in a box […]